Students of classes VI, VII, and VIII comprise this stage of education. These students are less impulsive and more balanced than students at the primary level. Children of this stage of education are more developed, they are no more children only.
Pleasures and pains are not the sole guides of their actions.
General Aim And Objectives Of Teaching Science At Junior High School
The Aims and Objectives of the teaching of science for this stage of education are:
- Development of knowledge and skill for social life
- Development of the quantitative sense
- Economic efficiency
- Practical use
- Development of the power of reasoning
- Numerical Sense
1. Development Of Knowledge And Skill For Social Life
Building of the background for vocational and social lives help to develop:
- Knowledge in the students,
- Skills in the students,
- Positive outlook and Interest in the students.
2. Development Of The Quantitative Sense
The students of this stage have the quantitative sense developed in them.
- Students need motivation and options to further acquire skills to solve real problems.
- Students should be given the opportunity to get to the bottom of problems for further development.
3. Economic Efficiency
It is crucial to make students efficient to earn their livelihood.
- This can be acquired precisely when they have apt knowledge about their social and natural environment.
- For inclusive progress of students, they need economic efficiency skills.
4. Practical Use
In this state of education, students are able to apply the acquired knowledge.
They have developed a sense of practical use and to make their learning more effective they should be given options for practical use of their attained knowledge.
5. Development Of The Power Of Reasoning
At this level, students have developed the power of reasoning, should be adequately offers opportunities for expansion of their power of reasoning.
6. Numerical Sense
The students at this stage should be given numerical problems to solve.
"Solving the numerical problems would give them an opportunity to develop a sense of the application of theoretical knowledge to numerical aspects of things".
Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Science At Junior High School Of Education Notes
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- Nature Of Science
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