Meaning Of Value Education


What Is Value Education? - Introduction, Meaning And Definition Of Value Education | How Do You Define Value? | Explain Approaches To Values Education -

Meaning Of Value Education


Societies considered education as an instrument for improving the socio-economic conditions of their subjects and an instrument for promoting the qualities of tolerance, justice, sharing, and cooperation, etc., of their citizens.

The two distinct roles that are expected from education are:

  1. The development of socially-oriented citizens with good citizenship qualities, who would be helpful in the development of organized societies.
  2. The development of socio-economic conditions of citizens and also the development of economic, social, and political aspects of societies.

It is for these reasons; education is universally aspired by all and value education is also acclaimed for the same reason.

What Do You Mean By Values?

Value is something or anything which appeals to us, satisfying our needs, whether it is material or non-material, satisfaction and desirability are common elements in it.

Values mean something that is precious, dear, worthwhile, valuable, and estimable, and hence worthy of possession.

  • Values are the guiding principles of life that are conducive to all-round development.
  • Values bring quality to life.
  • Values give direction and firmness to life and bring joy, satisfaction, and peace to life.

Value is a standard. A value may be described as an emotional attitude, which motivates a person directly or indirectly to act in the most desirable way preferred by him or her.

Values are embedded in

  • Every word we select and speak,
  • Ways in which we interact,
  • What we wear,
  • Our perceptions and interpretation of other's reactions to what we are saying and so on.

Values involve the processes of thinking, knowing/understanding feelings, and action. These involve

  • A strong liking for something,
  • Feeling deeply about the things one values and so on.

Values regulate and guide human behavior and action in our day to daily life.

Definition Of Value

Values are defined as "Beliefs upon which man acts by preferences".

 “The things in which people are interested – things they want to desire to be or become; feel as obligatory, worship or enjoy.” - Dictionary of Education (1959)

"Value means primarily to the prize, esteem, appraise and estimate. It means the act of cherishing something, holding it dear, and also the act of passing judgment upon the nature and amounts of values as compared with something else". - John Dewey

Values are the ideals, beliefs, or norms which a society or the large majority of a society’s members hold.” - Kane (1962)

Values are ideas and beliefs which people cherish. These ideas contain or express the judgment which people have, of the relative importance of things.” - Cuber (1962)

A value is defined as an endeavor which satisfies need system, psychological as well as physiological needs. Almost all human beings have the same physiological needs but differ in their psychological needs, hence differ in their values and styles of life.” - N.K. Dutt (1986)

"Value is something of great worth or importance or standard or principle that is valuable in life." - Oxford Dictionary

Values is an enduring belief, a specific mode of conduct or end along a continuum of relative importance.” - Rokeach (1973) 

Value is a judgment concerning the worth of an object, person, group, or situation. Value judgment contains evaluative rating terms, such as good, bad, moral, immoral, beautiful, ugly, etc.” - M.P. Hunt (1975)

Value Education

Value education has a paramount role to play in creating a society that is

  • Tolerant,
  • Humane,
  • Socially cohesive and ethically righteous.

Education in values is an integral component of the program of education. Values are integral to the process of education. They are not add-ons. All education is, in a sense, value education.

If knowledge is left without being tempered by values and morals, the power generated by such knowledge would only be disastrous and catastrophic in its effects.

Education is a process of bringing about ‘desirable’ changes in the way one thinks, feels, and acts in accordance with one’s concept of the good life.

  • Value education is not value imposition or value indoctrination. It is not a direct inculcation of values and morals.
  • Value education is a process of helping the students to

    • Think freely and critically on values,
    • To act responsibly and with courage and conviction.

What Is The Real Meaning Of Value Education?

Value education is a form of education that stresses the acquisition of living values by learners.

It inculcates universal and ethical values such as

  • Compassion,
  • Courage,
  • Honesty,
  • Tolerance and truthfulness.

This helps in nurturing balanced individuals thus creating a humane society.

  • Values are what promote human beings to personhood.
  • These values are inherent in all people and acting contrary to them negates one’s personhood.

Values education is a term used to name several things, and there is much academic controversy surrounding it.

  1. Some regard it as all aspects of the process by which teachers (and other adults) transmit values to students.
  2. Others see it as an activity
    • That can take place in any organization during which people are assisted by others, who may be older, in a position of authority, or are more experienced,
    • To assess the effectiveness of these values and associated behavior for their own and others’ long term well-being and
    • To reflect on and acquire other values and behavior which they recognize as being more effective for long term well-being of self and others.

This means that values education can take place at home, as well as in schools, colleges, universities, offender institutions, and voluntary youth organizations.

There are two main approaches to values education.

  1. Inculcating or transmitting a set of values that often come from societal or religious rules or cultural ethics.
  2. Others see it as a type of Socratic dialogue where people are gradually brought to their own realization of what is good behavior for themselves and their community.

The German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche first used the word ‘Values’ in 1880. Until then the word value was used as a verb meaning to value as esteem something or as a singular noun meaning the measure of something, for example, the value of money, food, or labour.

Nietzsche used the word ‘Values’ in the plural to denote moral beliefs and attitudes that were personal and subjective.

In a modern democratic society, this concept of values has changed. The word ‘Values’ has come to be used in plurals for over a century. As the world is becoming more civilized, education is becoming more or less materialistic and old value traditions are being slowly given up.

It is an imperative need in the present context of things that the whole educational system should be restructured to include value education in the process of education.

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Explain Approaches To Values Education Notes

Meaning Of Value Education Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

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