Co-Curricular Activities For Value Development
Co-curricular activities can prove to be an effective tool for the inculcation of values and nurturing creative talents if they are planned meticulously and executed properly.
For this purpose, various clubs and associations may also be formed e.g.
- Atheistic Club,
- Literary Association,
- Cultural Club,
- Magazine Committee
- Science Club,
- Bulletin and Board etc.
A teacher should be made in charge of each committee.
- Students should also be placed as a member of each committee in order to ensure their active participation in the planning and implementation of various programs.
- The teacher in charge should not impose their own ideas and values upon the students they only counsel and guide the students properly.
Following Activities May Be Organized For Value Development:
Morning assembly should include
- Prayer,
- Thought of the day,
- 'Prerak prasang' by teachers and students,
- Patriotic songs of different languages.
Yoga is very helpful in cultivating moral and spiritual values.
- It has multidimensional potentials for the growth of personality.
- Yoga coordinates body, mind, and spirit.
- It is basically the science of mind and therefore, through it students should learn 'how to concentrate' and 'how to learn fruitfully'.
- 'Yam' and 'Niyam' have good potential for character building.
- It will also strengthen the mutual relationship between school and society.
- Participation in cultural activities with folk dance, music, and lore of different regions depicting 'Unity in Diversity should be made compulsory.
- Visits and excursions to the relevant places, experience in inter-regional living, national integration camps must be organized once a year for every student.
Social service should be promoted in the school.
- Service is itself a great value.
- Vivekanand said, "To serve human being is to serve God."
- It makes people more productive and humane.
- Programs like: cleaning colonies, hospitals, tanks distribution for food materials, medicine, clothing, curing the victims of natural calamities should be organized.
- Through these programs, institutions may be made responsive to society.
- A large number of people and groups work selflessly for the deprived and downtrodden. Interaction with them could really create perceptible impacts.
- Games, sports meet at the school, district, state, and national level may be organized by rotation in different schools.
- An effort should be made that each student participates in games activities.
- The scout/Guide movement may be popularized and the maximum number of students be encouraged to participate in scout/guide activities.
- Visits to institutions, establishments, centers of creative arts, zoos, museums, and homes for the aged and handicapped not only enhance knowledge, understanding but also generate appreciation and empathy;
- NCC/NSS should be made compulsory.
- Exhibition on environment pollution, population, terrorism, and other historical, social, political, and economic issues may be organized.
- Active participation in the community and use of their resources should be promoted in order to make them feel that institutions belong to them.
- Such an impression alone could lead to several value-related participatory activities.
- Institution must provide interaction opportunities to students with the persons of high character sacrifice, creative abilities, literary tastes, scholarly attitude whose mere presence could motivate them.
- Mock parliament student self-government must organize in order to train them in the democratic system.
- Students may be encouraged to learn more and more international and regional languages by providing facilities and incentives for the same.
- Lastly, the above strategies can be implemented effectively only through the right kind of teachers.
- Thus, the role of a teacher is too much important in this regard.
According to the UNESCO (1972) report the teacher's duty is less and less to inculcate and more and more to encourage thinking, his formal functions apart, he will have to become more and more an adviser, a partner to talk to someone who helps seek out conflicting arguments rather than handing our readymade truths.
He/She will have to devote more time and energy to
- Productive and creative activities;
- Discussion,
- Stimulation,
- Interaction,
- Understanding and encouragement.
Co-Curricular Activities For Value Development Notes
Explain Role Of Teacher To Successfully Implement Co-Curricular Activities For Value Development Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
(Mention The Co-Curricular Strategies For Value Development Through Activities And Explain Role Of Teacher To Successfully Implement Such Strategies) Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Value Education Subject.
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