What Are The Organizations That Work For Peace?
There are many organizations that are involved in promoting peace around the world.
Some significant organizations/institutions that are working for peace are:
1. United Nations
The UN (United Nations) was established on October 24, 1945, when 51 nations all around the globe agreed to make peace.
United Nations supports and provides ways
- To solve international conflict &
- To create policies about subjects that affect the entire planet.
- Currently, almost every country is an important member of the UN.
Purpose of UN (United Nations)
Under UN Charter - Article 1, the following purposes of the UN are defined.
- To develop friendly relations among countries on the basis of equality.
- To maintain international peace & security and to take adequate steps to avert wars.
- To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an
- Cultural,
- Social,
- Economic, or
- Humanitarian character.
- To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Principles of UN (United Nations)
Under UN Charter - Article 2, the following principles are mentioned as a means to achieve the objectives and purpose of the UN.
- All the member states are equal.
- The member states shall fulfill their obligations to the UN honestly.
- The member states shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means.
- The member states shall give to the UN every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the UN Charter.
- The member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against any other state.
- No member state shall interfere in the internal affairs of any other state.
- The states which are not members of the UN should also act in accordance with these principles for the maintenance of international peace and security.
2. Peace Corps
The peace corps is an independent agency filled with men & women who live and work in various nations for a period of 2 years.
- The peace corps is run by the USA government and was an idea of John. F. Kennedy (34th President) of USA.
- As the prominent international service organization of the UN, the Peace Corps sends citizens of America to different land for tackling the most urgent needs of communities and people all around the globe.
- The people serving in the Peace Corps are volunteers who help in solving several problems and challenges, communities all around the world face.
Peace Corps work in many different areas such as
- Agriculture,
- Education,
- Community Development,
- Business,
- Environment, and
- Nutrition and Health.
The Peace Corps’ Principles And Mission
To promote world friendship and peace by fulfilling 3 goals:
- To help people of interested nations in meeting their need for trained women and men.
- To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the people served.
- To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.
Peace volunteers work at the grassroots level towards sustainable change that lives on long after their service – at the same time becoming global citizens and serving their country.
3. Amnesty International
Peter Benenson a British lawyer founded Amnesty International in 1961. Amnesty International focuses on human rights abuses and campaigns for the protection of Human rights with international laws and standards.
Some of the Aims and Objectives of Amnesty International are:
- To stop violence against women.
- To abolish the death penalty.
- To regulate the global arm and weapon trade.
- To protect the rights of migrants and refugees.
- To voice for the rights of people living in poverty.
- To oppose terror and torture with human rights.
- To help free prisoners of conscience.
4. Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel peace prize is an award given to people for their peaceful actions for the betterment of society.
- The Nobel peace prize was instituted by a famous man named ‘Alfred Bernhard Nobel’.
- The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901 and shared between Jean Henry Dunant (Swiss) and Frédéric Passy (French).
- In India, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa have won the Nobel peace award.
5. The Lion And The Lamb Peace Arts Center
Dr. Elizabeth "Libby" Hostetler, established it in 1987.
It was originated with the prime objective of promoting peace education among children through literature and art.
6. The Carter Centre
All over the world every single day many peoples in many nations live in life-threatening conditions because of
- Poverty,
- War,
- Disease, and
- Starvation.
The Carter center is formed with the aim to try to solve this suffering and pain by promoting health and peace in countries all over the planet.
Additionally, the carter center looks after
- Implementing and protecting Human Rights
- Advancing democracy
- Monitoring elections
- Resolving conflicts and
- Preventing diseases.
7. International Peace Bureau (IPB)
The IPB (International Peace Bureau) is founded, with One Vision
70 countries and individual members from different international networks, came together with their expertise, experience for campaigning this common cause.
8. Pathways To Peace (PTP)
‘Pathways To Peace' is a global Educational, Peacebuilding, & Consulting organization.
PTP is an Official ‘Peace Messenger’ of the UN (United Nations).
Some of the principle aims & objectives of the organization PTP are:
- To build cooperation and expand communication among existing groups and organizations.
- To make peace a ‘Practical Reality' through local & global projects.
9. Hague Appeal For Peace
The Hague Appeal for Peace is a global network of individuals and organizations, dedicated to abolishing war & to making peace a human right.
The main objective of this institution is to develop capacities in learners and teachers, on how to face
- Challenges of the unprecedented amount of armed conflicts among ethnic groups and states,
- Environment degradation, and Spread of
- Gender inequality,
- Community violence,
- Racism, and
- Massive Human rights violation.
10. National Peace Foundation (NPF)
National Peace Foundation came into existence in 1975.
Throughout the Middle East, Africa, and, Eurasia NPF has spread its efforts of making peace and constantly continuing its focus and efforts upon empowering citizens on a grass root and community level.
At the core of the National Peace Foundation is a commitment to, help citizens to build the institutions and foundations of civil society.
What Are The Organizations That Work For Peace? Notes
How Different Institutes Promote Peace In World?Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
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