Need And Importance (Significance) Of Teaching Science
The knowledge gained through science is much more useful in guiding our life style than gained through other sources- Herbart Spencer
Science and technology have become a fundamental part of our social and cultural life and of our living. Now, we cannot think of a world without science.
The Importance of science can very well be described with the support of the following points:
- Utilitarian importance
- Intellectual importance
- Disciplinary importance
- Cultural importance
- Moral importance
- Aesthetic importance
- Social importance
- Vocational importance
- Psychological importance
- Develops problem-solving skills
- Awareness about technology
- How to conserve natural resources
- Instils survival skills
1. Utilitarian Importance
The modern age is the science age we are living in an age of science and technology. Science has revolutionized our way of living. It has entered our life and daily activities. All our activities are controlled and fashioned by it.
Present-day lives hinge on scientifically designed appliances so much that we cannot do without them.
- There is a vast storehouse of natural power such as Wind, Waterfall, Heat of the sun, etc. science shows man how it is useful for them.
- We see a network of scientific gadgets constructed on the most up-to-date scientific inventions all the time and everywhere around us.
Now its turns to more obligation than just mere interest for one and all to not only to understand science but to master it from all angles.
2. Intellectual Importance
Science grants us the insight which permits individual to chase the truth and the reality of nature around him.
Science sharpens our intellect and led us to critical observation and reasoning. The study of science provides us with the opportunity to bud our mental faculties of
- Analysis and Assessment,
- Imagination and Originality,
- Memory and Concentration,
- Systematic thinking etc.
Science helps pupils to think of problems, and follow the method of inquiry. Science removes room for uncertainty as it accepts the one which can be proved by
- Experimentation,
- Logic,
- Actual observation and
- Reasoning.
The queries of all problems and phenomena can be satisfactorily answered and countered only by the wisdom of science.
3. Disciplinary Importance
Science brings about total transformation of one’s viewpoint and makes thought process more organized. Science is the one subject which promotes
- Interest and Seriousness in the study,
- Systematic thinking,
- Concentration,
- Habit of hard work,
- Spirit of enquiry and Systematic working.
Science develops one’s personality as a whole and helps to lead one’s daily life successfully in a well-thought-out and orderly way.
Science helps students to review all the good and bad points, together with the gain and loss likely to be incurred in the plan of action contemplated. Science makes students equip with
- The habit of viewing a problem impartially with an alert mind.
- To observe the real nature of the problem.
- To think seriously and effectively.
4. Cultural Importance
The development of culture is the history of science.
Science has aided the growth of consciousness by making us more aware of the universe we live in. We can judge the progress of civilization and the culture of inhabitants by the progress in science.
- Man has been rediscovering his life with the passage of time and the advancement of science.
- From long times age-old man has been attempting to maintain and preserve their way of life and standard through the use of science.
- Change in our lifestyle as it should be is due to the inventions of science.
- Scientists take an active part in the vital issues of the country so as to bring about consideration and integration of scientific development and our cultural heritage.
Science not only enlarge culture but also helps in preserving it.
5. Moral Importance
The search for truth or reality of nature and search of God are identical aims.
Some folks believe that Science is responsible for
- Destroying religious belief.
- Planting foulest seeds in young minds,
- Lack of faith in God etc. but in reality the status quo is reverse.
Pursuit of knowledge of nature or study of science cannot be called opposing to religion and faithlessness. Science on the other hand
- Does not succumb to blind faith,
- Does not admit faith in idol worship and
- Does not follow loads of inept customs and rituals harmful to humanity.
Science and its pursuit not only include all the traits of morality but also develop them. Man who follows the path of the scientific method in his pursuit of knowledge automatically develops so many qualities.
Science teaches the student quality like:
- Honesty and Tolerance,
- Justice and Punctuality,
- Self-confidence,
- Determination and Patience etc.
Every conclusion of science depends upon the rationality of tests and actual observations and not by cheat and deceit.
Science has more moral importance as scientific theory includes religious, philosophic, and many other kinds of human interest, but it does not disintegrate passion for the truth.
Science is the search for truth in a faithful manner.
6. Aesthetic Importance
The study of science is a cradle of great gratification when one gets answers to his questions about the mysteries of nature.
Aesthetic sense is the most important thought with all scientific men for it meets one of the deepest needs of human nature which manifests itself as the desire for beauty.
Science is
- Art,
- Beauty and
- A source of entertainment.
Science helps us to utilize our leisure purposefully. It helps in attaining physical comforts successfully. To a man of science, practical application is just a by-product of his autonomous activity.
The search for universal laws and comprehensive theories undoubtedly reflect the aesthetic motive which seems to be indistinguishable from those of an artist.
7. Social Importance
From the very start of our civilization science has played an important role in its improvement. Science is of great importance to society. It provides
- Momentum to the progress of society by its new thoughts and inventions.
- Influence all social activities of man.
- Make man social life happy and comfortable
By studying science students can lead a healthy robust life and equally gain from public welfare activities based on science.
Science is vital for the evolvement of society and nation by transforming young children into precious future global citizens. In fact, the world has become a small social group.
It won’t be false if we say,
Today’s society stands on pillars of scientific techniques and knowledge.
8. Vocational Importance
Knowledge of science is now extensively used in all the traditional and new professions like:
- Medicine,
- Engineering,
- Agriculture,
- Dairy farming etc.
Scientific principles and inventions have become universal and omnipresent in our daily life.
Science has also revolutionized modern vocations like Telephone, Television broadcasting, Internet, etc. and opened vast vistas of vocations from traditional to contemporary forms the basis for many hobbies such as:
- Beekeeping,
- Radio servicing,
- Photography etc.
9. Psychological Importance
Study of science fulfils the psychological needs of man and helps in evolution of natural curiosity.
The study of science has its special importance whether we consider from the personal or social point of view. It helps in finding and developing hidden abilities and gifts of a child. Science learning amplify instincts among learner like
- Compilation,
- Individuality,
- Originality,
- Self-expression etc.
The joy and bliss obtained from the successful investigation of scientific problems are unmatched. The study of science gives children security and insight for solving any life problem facing them.
The instincts of curiosity are responsible for the urge of
- Investigation,
- Experimentation and
- Research.
In concise words,
The study of science gives self-confidence and teaches how to lead a successful and meaningful life.
10. Develops Problem-Solving Skills
Knowledge in science subject also enables to absorb and improve knowledge of other subjects better. With the knowledge of science, students learn to ponder logically.
The problem-solving skill, which is learned in the early years enables students to solve problems. Almost everything we see around is mainly present because individuals have used their knowledge of science to create real-life applications.
Now, it is very essential to have some elementary knowledge of science for becoming a full member of society.
11. Awareness About Technology
Science has the potential to be beneficial or harmful, emancipative or oppressive.
Learning the basics of how a range of devices work can help develop and fortify ideas of your own among students and helps in inventing new technology.
- Fixing minor problems in electronic objects in the home is feasible only when students have the fundamental knowledge in the region of technology.
- In laboratory knowledge of how to use basic devices like
- Microscopes,
- Telescopes etc. create a big difference in learning.
12. How To Conserve Natural Resources
Science promotes a greener environment it teaches about 3 R’s
- Reduce
- Recycle and
- Reuse.
All aspects of the environment have a deep impact on our lives and awareness and concern about such aspects can benefit in contributing towards preserving wildlife and natural resources. Science teaches about
- Conservation of wildlife,
- Learn about the many species that are already extinct,
- Shortage or absence of certain resources and
- Environmental changes.
Science teaches about the knowledge which is essential to help save our planet for the future like:
- How does the earth function?
- How you can conserve natural resources?
- How to make use of natural resources?
- How the lack of these resources affects living things etc.
13. Instils Survival Skills
Almost everything that a person does contains a basic knowledge of science, and logical reasoning.
It is undoubtedly significant to learn science from the early days of school. Science helps to study the various phenomena that occur in nature.
- For Example: Science knowledge helps predict weather conditions and patterns, with this knowledge, a person can stay alert and be in a better position to survive the disaster.
What Is The Main Purpose And Importance Of Science? | Explain Significance Of Teaching Science Notes
What Is The Importance Of Science In Our Life Why It Is Important? Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
Explain Need And Significance Of Teaching Science Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Science And Teaching of Science Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
Critically analyze the need and significance of teaching of science?
Describe the need and importance of teaching science in schools.
Examine the need and significance of teaching science.
Discuss the importance and significance of science?
How will you develop the Problem solving skill of a learner?
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