Dietary Guidelines To Reduce Obesity
Low calorie, normal protein, vitamin and mineral (except sodium), restricted carbohydrate; restricted fat and liberal fluid, high fibre is given to reduce obesity.
Balanced Diet To Reduce Obesity
- About 20 kcal per kg
- Ideal body weight is prescribed for a sedentary worker and 25 kcal for a moderately active worker.
- About 0.81g of protein/kg.
- Bodyweight is prescribed for tissue repair and for specific dynamic action.
- High carbohydrate content foods like potatoes and rice are restricted.
- Fruits rich in carbohydrates like bananas should be avoided.
- Sugar that gives empty calories should be totally avoided.
- Low fat or no-fat diet should be given to reduce calories.
- Skim milk should be chosen.
- Food rich in fat like nuts and oilseeds is avoided.
- With the prolonged restriction of fats, there is likely to be a restriction of fat-soluble vitamins A and D which may be supplemented.
- Restriction of sodium a common salt is helpful in a weight-reducing diet as excess sodium predisposes to the retention of fluid.
- Research suggests that a calcium-rich diet especially one that included dairy sources (with a limit in total calories) not only helps young women keep weight in check but may reduce overall levels of body fat.
- Calcium may depress certain hormones which consequently improve the body’s ability to break down fat in cells and slow fat production.
- Fluids can be taken liberally as extra fluids are excreted by healthy kidneys.
- Also, a glass of water before meals helps to out down food intake.
High Fibre:
- High-fibre low-calorie foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, vegetables, salads, whole grain, cereals, and pulses can be included in the diet.
Advantages of High Fibre Food
The inclusion of high fibre foods in diets have many advantages, they are
- Reduce blood cholesterol.
- Promote chewing and decreases the rate of ingestion.
- Low-calorie density.
- Foods like green vegetables provide vitamins and minerals (which are difficult to meet with restricted food).
- Help in regulating bowel movements.
- Give satiety.
A higher intake of fibre automatically cuts down fat and calories.
Suggested Foods And Recipes Helpful In Reducing Obesity
Vegetable And Salads
- Low Calorie And
- High fibre
Chapathis Without Oil
- More Proteins And High Fibre And
- Give Satiety
Thin Dates, Steamed Foods Like Idlis
- To Limit Calories,
- Increase Protein Content
Thin Soup
- Provide Fluids,
- Low-Calorie Value,
- Provide Fullness
Poached Fish
- Low In Calories
- High In Protein Of Good Quality
Boiled Chawli
- Rich In Protein And
- B Vitamins
Greens Poriyal
Coffee Or Tea Without Sugar
Diet Tips To Prevent Obesity
- Cut down on sugar
- Take control of what you eat
- Eat more fibres
- Eat frequently and eat slowly
- Eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains
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How To Reduce Obesity Through Diet? Notes
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