Classification Of Food


How Are Foods Classified? | Explain In Detail 4 Classification Of Food – Source, Chemical Composition, Main Function, Nutritive Value | Types Of Food -

Classification Of Food

What Do You Mean By Food?

Food is a substance that produces heat and energy in the body and repairs tissues. It also contains some rough-age which adds quantity or bulk to our diet.

  • Food builds up new tissues.
  • Food supplies material for growth and nourishment to all the parts of the body.
  • Food repairs worn-out tissues.
  • Food produces heat and energy in our body
  • Food helps in the production of compounds that regulate body processes.

In short, food is very important for life.

Classification Of Food

Food serves to

  • Nourish,
  • To build up tissues, and
  • To supply energy to the body.

Food can be classified in the following ways;

  1. Classification According To Chemical Composition
  2. Classification According To Main Function
  3. Classification According To Nutritive Value
  4. Classification Of Food According To The Source

1. According To Chemical Composition

According to chemical composition, food can be divided into 5 categories.

  1. Protein
  2. Vitamins
  3. Minerals
  4. Carbohydrate
  5. Fats

2. According To Main Function

  1. Bodybuilding foods
  2. Energy giving foods
  3. Protective foods

3. According To Nutritive Value

  1. Pulses
  2. Vegetables
  3. Fruits
  4. Cereals
  5. Animal foods
  6. Nuts and oilseeds
  7. Sugar and jaggery
  8. Condiments or spices.

4. Classification Of Food According To The Source

  1. Food obtained from plant sources.
  2. Food obtained from animal sources.

Food Obtained From Plants And Vegetables

Vegetable foods contain a large purporting of carbohydrates and almost all are proteins, fats, and vitamins.

These foods are

  • Cereals,
  • Pulses,
  • Fruits,
  • Roots and tubers,
  • Green vegetables,
  • Nuts, and
  • Fungi.


Cereals are in the form of grains such as

  • Wheat,
  • Rice,
  • Maize

They have a high nutritive value.


  • Pulses include beans and peas.
  • They obtain vitamins A, B, and C when fresh.
  • They are a rich source of protein.
  • They also have sugar and minerals but little starch.

Roots And Tubers

Roots and tubers include

  • Beetroot,
  • Carrot,
  • Arrowroot,
  • Radish,
  • Turnip,
  • Topical and sweet potato.

They contain a high percentage of starch and proteins but no fats.


Fruits are rich in

  • Sugar,
  • Salts,
  • Acids and
  • vitamins.


  • Nuts possess a high percentage of proteins and fats but less carbohydrates.
  • They are also rich in vitamin B.

Green Vegetables

  • Green vegetables consist of buds, leaves, leaf-stalk, or the whole plant.
  • They contain a high percentage of water and some protein, starch, and fats.
  • They are also rich in vitamins A, B,C,E, and K.


  • Fungi are mushrooms that contain over 90% of water and little protein.
  • They have no food value.

Food Obtained From Animals:

These foods include:

  1. Meat,
  2. Fish,
  3. Egg and
  4. Milk.


  • Meat usually means mutton or pork.
  • It is rich in protein, iron, and some vitamins of the B group.


  • Fish consists mainly of protein, fat, and water.
  • The fat content amount varies widely in different kinds of fish.


  • Eggs have a high nutritive value.
  • They are rich in iron, phosphorous, and vitamins A and D.


  • Milk is obtained from the cow, buffalo, goat, and reindeer.
  • It is generally given to babies and children as a complete food.
  • Milk contains all the nutrients.
  • Milk products like cream, butter, curds, cheese, and ghee are also rich sources of energy.

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Explain In Detail 4 Classification Of Food – Source, Chemical Composition, Main Function, Nutritive Value Notes

Classification Of Food (new) Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

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