HIV/AIDS Symptoms And Treatment


What Is HIV/AIDS? – Meaning, Sign And Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Treatment | How Is HIV/AIDS Transmitted – How To Successfully Prevent & Control It -

HIV/AIDS Symptoms And Treatment


AIDS is a serious disorder of the immune system.

  • AIDS was first recognized in the USA in 1981.
  • The first confirmed evidence of AIDS infection in India came in April 1986.
  • AIDS stands Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome


  • Means acquired from outside.


  • Refers to body immune system (defense mechanism of the human body).


  • Indicates the weakening of the immune system.


  • Refers to the presence of signs and symptoms.

Sexual contact is the major mode of transmission of HIV worldwide.

  • The virus can be transmitted by infected blood or blood products, both in individuals who share contaminated needles and those who receive transfusions of blood or blood products.
  • An infected mother transmits the virus to the infants.
  • The incubation period for adults is approximately 8-10 years, whereas children under 5 years of age generally develop symptoms within 2 years.

HIV/AIDS the Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (sometimes called “slim disease”) is a newly described, usually fatal illness caused by a retrovirus of the lent virus group known as the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) which breaks down the body’s immune system, leaving the victim vulnerable to subsequent development of persistent constitutional symptoms or diseases such as Secondary infections, Neoplasm and, Neurological disorders.

AIDS can be called our modern pandemic, affecting both industrialized and developing countries.

Signs & Symptoms Of HIV AIDS

  1. Majority experience no recognizable signs or symptoms, but some develop

    • Acute illness showing-fevers,
    • Abdominal cramps,
    • Diarrhea,
    • Rigors,
    • Arthritis,
    • Aseptic meningitis etc.
  2. Diarrhea persists for more than one month.
  3. Fever persists for more than one month.
  4. Weight loss of greater than 10% of baseline.
  5. General itching dermatitis.
  6. Persistent cough for a period longer than one month.
  7. Recurrent Herpes Zoster.
  8. Oropharagyal candidiasis-fungal infection in mouth and throat.
  9. Swelling in lymph glands-Lymphadenopathy.

How Can We Prevent HIV AIDS?

  1. Prevention of sexual transmission is an immediate priority education, counseling, and behavior modification in sexual contact and – safe sex assumes importance.
  2. Prevent blood-borne transmission of HIV by using disposable syringes, properly boiled needles.
  3. Avoid sharing of injection, equipment and follow a reduction in drug usage.
  4. Counseling and contraceptive service should be made available to HIV-infected persons.
  5. Screening of blood and blood products for HIV antibodies through testing of blood samples, sometimes blood screening will be a failure during the window period of an infected HIV patient and universal precautions while handling blood and body fluids.
  6. To avoid transplacental or prenatal transmission of HIV, HIV-infected women should avoid pregnancy.
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HIV/AIDS Symptoms And Treatment Notes

How Is HIV/AIDS Transmitted – How To Successfully Prevent & Control It Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

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