First Aid Treatment Of Heat Stroke


How Do You Treat Heat Stroke? | What Is The Correct First Aid Treatment For Heat Stroke | Describe Heat Stroke Meaning, Symptoms & First Aid Treatment -

First Aid Treatment Of Heat Stroke

Heatstroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. Heatstroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs.

  • Although heat stroke mainly affects people over age 50, it also takes a toll on healthy young athletes.
  • Heatstroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures usually in combination with dehydration which leads to failure of the body's temperature control system.

The medical definition of heatstroke is a core body temperature greater than 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with complications involving the central nervous system that occur after exposure to high temperatures. Other common symptoms include nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness or coma.


  1. Rapid Heartbeat, Which May Be Either Strong Or Weak
  2. Rapid, Shallow Breathing
  3. Unconsciousness
  4. Red, Hot, And Dry Skin
  5. Muscle Weakness Or Cramps
  6. Dizziness And Light-Headedness
  7. Lack Of Sweating Despite The Heat
  8. Nausea And Vomiting
  9. Seizures
  10. Behavioural Changes Such As Confusion, Disorientation, Or Staggering
  11. Throbbing Headache

First Aid Treatment For Heat Stroke:

  1. The initial treatment of patients with heat exhaustion involves stabilization in a cool area.
  2. Patients who are significantly dehydrated, who are hyponatremic, or who have mental status changes or central nervous system irritability should be transferred to an appropriate medical facility.
  3. Oral rehydration solutions containing sodium may be used in the field to treat most cases of mild dehydration.
  4. It is essential that physicians recognize the signs of hyponatremic heat exhaustion and avoid administering hypotonic fluids (as regards sweat).
  5. Repletion of sodium with normal saline should be performed gradually.
  6. Symptoms of heat exhaustion often resolve within 2 to 3 hours.
  7. Slower recovery should initiate a transfer to a medical facility and a careful search for missed diagnoses.

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First Aid Treatment Of Heat Stroke Notes

Describe Heat Stroke Meaning, Symptoms & First Aid Treatment Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

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