Cholera Symptoms And Treatment


How To Know You Have Cholera? - Major Signs And Symptoms Of Cholera | How Is Cholera Transmitted – Causes, Precautions, Treatment And Prevention -

Cholera Symptoms And Treatment

Cholera is an acute gastrointestinal infection.

  • It is an epidemic as a well endemic disease.
  • The disease is caused by a germ called ‘Vibrio cholera’.


  1. It spreads through contaminated
  2. Drinking water,
  3. By files,
  4. Insects and improper storage.
  5. It also spreads from infected patients to others.
  6. It affects all age groups. The incubation period is generally ranging from a few hours to 5 days.

Signs and Symptoms of Cholera

  1. It starts with diarrhea and the watery stools and vomiting leading to dehydration.
  2. Too much thirst is felt
  3. Urine output is suppressed
  4. Pain in the muscles of hands and feet is observed and it causes muscle cramps.
  5. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance may occur
  6. Fatal death occurs if left uncared.

Prevention and Treatment of Cholera

  1. Strict personal hygiene.
  2. Boil water and safe water for drinking.
  3. Early detection may be made by testing stools and immediately it should be reported to the health authority.
  4. Disinfection of clothing is recommended.
  5. Disinfect surroundings with DDT and make it fly free.
  6. Cholera vaccination
  7. Adequate compensation of electrolytes and water by intravenous fluids and CRS solutions should be undertaken.
  8. Provide antibiotics such as Tetracycline, and Fuazolidone in consultation with the physician.

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How Is Cholera Transmitted – Causes, Precautions, Treatment And Prevention? Notes

Cholera Symptoms And Treatment Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

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