
The anecdotal records maintained? - [MCQ's]

The anecdotal records maintained? - [MCQ's]

Q. The anecdotal records maintained? The description of the incident The description of location The description o…

What is in an objective test? - [MCQ's]

What is in an objective test? - [MCQ's]

Q. What is in an objective test? The number of question is more. Questions are in the form of small figures. Every…

Why achievement test are created? - [MCQ's]

Why achievement test are created? - [MCQ's]

Q. Why achievement test are created? Test contraction planning To prepare the initial test format To check the ini…

Identify the types of observation? - [MCQ's]

Identify the types of observation? - [MCQ's]

Q. From following identify the type/s of observation? Participant observation Direct and indirect observation Sche…

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