First Aid Treatment For Electric Shock


How To Treat A Person With Electric Shock? | Explain Electric Shock -  First Aid Steps, Precautionary Measures | First Aid For Electrical Accidents -

First Aid Treatment For Electric Shock


  1. Do not allow persons to crowd around the victim.
  2. Lay him down on a blanket in a cool place.
  3. If he becomes unconscious place his head between his knees.
  4. Raise the feet to loosen the light clothing around the neck in the loins and at the chest.
  5. Put cold water drop by drop in his mouth.
  6. Call for the doctor at once.
  7. Try to keep the patient vigilant.
  8. Protect him from anxiety and provide encouragement and comfort.
  9. Give artificial respiration if needed.
  10. Treat the burns.

Precautionary Measures

  1. As electric shocks take place in houses generally, hence the parents should be properly trained.
  2. They should stop the flow of electric current by switching off the main.
  3. If it is not possible put on dry rubber gloves, coat, or cloth and then with the help of a bent stick or dry rope remove the child caught by electricity.
  4. Remove the plug or break the electricity.
  5. Remove the plug or break the electric wire by drawing it out.
  6. Do not cut it with a knife.

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How To Treat A Person With Electric Shock? Notes

First Aid Treatment For Electric Shock Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

(How To Treat A Person With Electric Shock? | Explain Electric Shock - First Aid Steps, Precautionary Measures | First Aid For Electrical Accidents) Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Health Physical And Yoga Education Subject.

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